For the love of dogs.
Our furry family members.


Hello! this website is dedicated to all the dog lovers out there. Here you will find useful information about man's best friend. I gathered interesting knowledge for people who have dogs or want to adopt one, and i hope you'll enjoy your stay :)

dog evolution

How does a fierce wolf evolve into a cuddly pomeranian? We will find out in this section.

Top Dogs

In this section we will find out which breeds are the best guard, family or work dogs.

Please adopt

Where ever you are in the world, there are always awesome dogs waiting for adoption.

Famous dogs

Throughout history there were remarkable dogs who achieved incredible feats for humanity.

Dog App

Check out my dog app where you can find great information about all dog breeds.

  • Corgi and terrier
  • Dog sitting on a rock
  • Golder retriever puppy
  • Golden retriever laying on his back
  • Swiss shepard next to a lake
  • Poodle running
  • Laying pitbull
  • Husky shaking hands

Dog evolution

Long ago, before our dogs learned to fetch tennis balls or catch a frisbee, their ancestors were purely wild animals, and often our rivals. So how did this relationship change? How did dogs go from being our bitter rivals to our friends? scroll down and tap on the images to find out.

Extinct ancestor

grey wolf

Pugs and poodles may not look the part, but if you trace their lineages far enough back in time all dogs are descended from wolves. Gray wolves and dogs diverged from an extinct wolf species some 15,000 to 40,000 years ago. There’s general scientific agreement on that point.

Early domestication

domesticated wolf

Comparing genomes of wolves and many modern dog breeds suggested that dogs were domesticated in Asia, at least 14,000 years ago, and their lineages split some 14,000 to 6,400 years ago into East Asian and Western Eurasian dogs. But because dog fossils apparently older than these dates have been found in Europe, it is theorize that wolves may have been domesticated twice, though the European branch didn’t survive to contribute much to today’s dogs.

How were wolfs domesticated?

wolf campfire

One theory argues that early humans somehow captured wolf pups, kept them as pets, and gradually domesticated them. This could have happened around the same time as the rise of agriculture, about 10,000 years ago.
a different theory called “Survival of the friendliest” suggests that wolves largely domesticated themselves among hunter-gatherer people. The friendlier wolfs gained access to hunter-gatherers food and slowly integrated with them.

Modern dogs

dog and owner

Aside from the physical changes, there are clear behavioral changes that modern dogs present compared to wolfs. For example, dogs may have actually become worse at working together as a species. Their pack lifestyle and mentality appear to be reduced and is far less prevalent even in wild dogs than it is in wolves. But dogs may have compensated in other interesting ways. They’ve learned to use humans to solve problems.

Top Dogs


Labrador Retriever

The labrador is the most popular dog breed in the united states. They are extremely friendly, playful and suitable for families with small children. High intelligence makes them very trainable.



The bulldog's distinct features makes him one of the most recognizable breeds out there. Although they are not known for their high energy, Their small size and calmness could be perfect for a family.


Golden Retriever

Golden retrievers are one of the most intelligent and versatile breeds in the world. Originally they were bred for hunting expeditions, but now days they are most known for their loyal companionship.



Beagles are incredibly energetic and could be the perfect fit for families with small children. After spending their daily energy, their high intelligence makes them adaptable and very trainable.


Irish Setter

This unique looking breed first became popular back in the 18th century. They are best suited for energetic families who love the outdoors, and could be perfect companions for camping or hiking.

Adopt Don't Shop

According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), approximately 6.5 million companion animals enter U.S. animal shelters nationwide every year. Of those, approximately 3.3 million are dogs. Even sadder to know is that approximately 670,000 dogs are euthanized in U.S every year! Altho we see a decline in those numbers in recent years they are still very high.

It seems like allot of people hold myths when it come to shelter dogs, and the process of animal adoption in general. Let's demystify some of them:


Myth: "Many dogs from animal shelters are dangerous and aggressive."

Truth: there are plenty of well-adjusted, outgoing and happy dogs—probably more than those with major behavior issues like aggression. If there is an issue, it’s most likely fear-based aggression from the stress of being in a dog shelter.


Myth: "I can’t rescue a dog because I want a puppy."

Truth: There are plenty of puppies available in shelters. The average age of an animal entering a shelter is 18 months, which is practically still a puppy. Keep in mind that puppies aren’t puppies forever and they require special care. The first thing you’ll have to do if you get a puppy is to deal with housebreaking.


Myth: "Rescuing dogs is nice… but I want a purebred dog"

Truth: Shelters have purebred dogs, so you can’t use that as an excuse! But what about considering a unique, one-of-a-kind mutt or mixed breed dog? It will be a dog unlike any other, and also less likely to suffer from the various genetic defects purebreds are prone to.


Myth: "Rescue dogs are just untrainable."

Truth: The realistic expectation is that any dog coming into your home will need some training to understand your routine, even if they know all of their basic obedience commands. But that doesn't mean that shelter dogs are untrainable. The vast majority of them will be responsive to high quality training just like any other dog.


Myth: "Older dogs from an animal shelter won’t fit into the household."

Truth: There are plenty of reasons why senior shelter dogs make great additions to a family, especially if you’re looking for a pet with lower energy levels. Senior pets settle right into the routine, just as well as younger pets. As a general rule, it’s better to gauge a dog’s personality rather than their age.

Please watch the video below for more information about animal shelters.

Famous Dogs

Laika, the first dog in space


Laika was sent into space by the Soviet Union in Sputnik 2 in 1957, after being found on the streets of Moscow. Not much was known about the effects of space on animals, and in the hurry to beat the Americans in the Space Race, Laika was sent into orbit without a means to return her to Earth. She became the first living creature to orbit the Earth.
Originally, it was thought that Laika died four days into her journey, but it was revealed in 2002 that she only lasted around five hours before overheating and dying.
Laika is memorialized throughout Russia, including a statue in Moscow that was erected in 2008.

Balto, the husky that saved a village

In 1925, the town of Nome Alaska was hit with an outbreak of diphtheria, a deadly and contagious disease. The only antidote was hundreds of miles away in Anchorage and, thanks to bad weather and an abundance of snow, the only way to get it was by sled.
While a relay of dog sleds passed the antidote off, the final leg was led by Balto, who heroically led his team through 54 miles of blizzards and temperatures of -40. When the team successfully made it to Anchorage to get the antidote, Balto was hailed a hero.
In 1995, his story became the subject of an animated movie. He's also been immortalized by a statue in Central Park, and his taxidermied body is open to viewers at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History.


Trakr, the German Shepherd


More than 300 Search and Rescue dogs aided their human counterparts in the coming months following the September 11th attacks helping find and uncover survivors from the miles of rubble. One report found that the dogs were especially distraught at the lack of survivors they were able to find, as they saw it as an unsuccessful means to their job.
Of this K-9 team was Trakr and his police officer handler, James Symington, who drove to New York City from Canada to help locate those trapped or no longer breathing under the rubble of Ground Zero. Trakr and Symington are credited with finding the last survivor, a woman who had been imprisoned under heavy concrete and steel for over 24-hours. Their actions earned Trakr the title of one of the most famous dogs in history.

Dog App

Dog App provides useful information about hundreds of dog breeds. Please enter a dog breed name in the field below, and then click on the relevant search result on the left side to view the information.

    About this project

    My name is Dror Salomon and mainly I created this website because I love dogs and creating websites. Hopefully some of that love carried itself on to you as well.
    I strongly encourage you to experience life with a dog companion. And if you have decided positively on the subject please consider adopting rather than buying. Remember that there are more adoption avenues than just the dog shelter. There are many websites out there like Craig`s list where you can find people who are seeking someone to adopt their dog.

    So thank you for checking out my site and have a great day!